ICOGCT 2021 | Virtual | July 15, 2021
2021 2nd International Conference on Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (ICOGCT 2021) will be held in
virtually on
July 15, 2021.
ICOGCT is a multidisciplinary international conference on oil, gas, coal and biofuel technology that is concerned with exploration, production, processing and refining, storage and transportation, economical, managerial, business, environmental, safety and security issues related to oil, natural gas, coal and petrochemicals as well as manufacturing and refining of biofuels.
The international conference intends to bring eminent scientists, technologists and young researchers from several disciplines across the globe together to provide a common platform for discussing their achievements and newer directions of research. ICOGCT 2021 focuses on recent advances in all areas of oil, gas, biofuel, coal and petrochemical technology.
The scientific program will consist of keynote speeches, invited talks, oral and poster presentations.

Accepted and registered papers will be recommended and published into E3S Web of Conferences (eISSN: 2267-1242), which is indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, CAS, DOAJ, CPCI (Web of Science), EBSCO, ProQuest, et al.
**Selected papers from the conference will be reviewed for possible publication in the International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (IJOGCT). Papers will be recommended to the journal after the conference. Each paper will be reviewed according to the policy of the journal.
IJOGCT is indexed in:
Submission Types:
● Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)
● Abstract Only (Presentation ONLY)
Submission Methods:
Online Submission
System(You'll need an account to log in) →
● Any
queries, please contact: icogct@cbees.net
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: | June 10, 2021 |
Notification Deadline: | June 25, 2021 |
Registration Deadline: | July 1, 2021 |
Registration Deadline for Listener: | July 14, 2021 |